Mrs. Spanos - English I

Mrs. Spanos is a Nashville native. She graduated with honors from Vanderbilt University's Peaboody College of Education with a B.S. in Secondary Education and English. She is currently pursuing her Master's degree in Reading from Dominican University. She has taught freshman English for two years and has been in the Ninth Grade Academy at McGavock since it began. She is the Team Leader for the Red Team this year and looks forward to working with both parents and students to make this the best year yet!

Welcome Students & Parents!

For English I and English I Honors, students will also need the following supplies:

  • 1 composition notebook (black & white speckled cover, at least 100 pages)
  • blue or black pens only (no pencils)
  • For the class: 1 ream (pack) of colored copy paper (any color or combination of colors)

Online Textbook 

     We have a free online version of our Elements of Literature textbook available for students to use wherever they have internet access. Students are encouraged to keep their textbooks at school (stored in their lockers) and use the online textbook outside of school. This prevents them from leaving their books at home when they need them in class and cuts down on losing or misplacing them. Students will receive an individual student username and password to use to access the online text. More information will be sent home shortly.

Online Literature Textbook

For Class & Assigment Information please go to